Sunday, June 17, 2007

Spiderman III

"Spiderman 3"
late post

I watched Spiderman 3 with my parent's on it’s Premier Night..[Yeah! because we were too excited to watch it..that’s why..and it was also my first time to watch a movie on its premier night.] Last May 1, 2007 [wednesday night @ about 7] .

The movie was really touching and heart-warming. I even shed a tear.[hope my sister doesn’t read this..] LOL. But when I saw my sister crying I hurriedly wiped the tear off my face[because I wanna tease her that she was so soft…bwhaha.I’m really mean.]. It teaches you a lot of lessons in life. How a friend forgives and forgets. How a person is poisoned because of revenge. How every decision you make in life is important. The movie was also quite funny in the part where Peter Parker is becoming kindda emo and when he was embarrassing himself too much[i really laughed hard during this parts..i even forgot that it was a public place and that i wasn’t at]. I really enjoyed this movie. Over all the movie was great!!! Thumbs up!!

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